Thursday, May 8, 2014

"Luncheon of the Boating Party"
Pierre-Auguste Renoir


  1. I was just!! thinking of you, and here is a post of yours about gratitude....I am grateful too, for beautiful and gentle souls like yours.

  2. I LOVE HIS WORKS! Good afternoon my friend. I hope the weather is OK out your way. No more rain here, and I hope it stays that way...NO TORNADOES!

    Je t'embrasse.

  3. Irina! I am working on my article, but took a break to go to my blog. Thank you for coming; I thought of you when I chose this music by Brian Crain. I have been enjoying so much of his music thanks to a Dutch blogger who is like a music fairy; she leaves me lovely links to the most magical music, and I think the Butterfly Waltz is my favorite. Isn't it so rich and sweet, thanks to the cello and piano?

    Thank you for coming. It means a lot to me. XOXOX

  4. Oh need Dear Irina we do need those Gardeners that make our Souls blossom! I love the Luncheon of the Boating a Party....I saw it as a cross stitch kit years ago and never did buy it!

    It's lovely to come 'round for a you I too am finding it harder to get computer time...hoping all is well in your World....Blessings and Love to you...Dzuntra xo

  5. Lovely one...
    i have had a harrowing experience
    with my blog...but i think all is set right
    so make sure you update my link
    and have a fabulous monday!

  6. Lovely to visit you, Irina! You certainly make me bloom, always so inspiring and uplifting.
    I'm off to work now with a song in my heart!
    Big hugs,

  7. Hi Irina,
    And I am grateful for my blogging friends like you who make me happy. I hope you are doing well . Have a lively weekend!


  8. That Proust quote is very thought-provoking...

  9. Swwet post Irina, the renoir fits so nicely with the start of june! It's been a while - but my life has been very busy lately. Thank you so much for not forgetting about me - so lovely of you to come visit! Cheers to a happy weekend!

  10. Dear Irina,

    Lovely to come and visit you and see your lovely words and post.
    I have always loved the painting by Renoir, of the Luncheon Boating Party and the words of Marcel Proust.
    Happy weekend

  11. And, we need to surround ourselves with people who make us happy.

    Thanks for dropping by and making me happy!

  12. Irina! How wonderful to hear from you!!!
    This is one of my favorite quotes by Proust!
    I've used this quote many, many times designing cards and invitations for special occasions & clients over the years. One very prominent interior designer in NYC asked me to design this quote into a very elaborate place card for each of his dinner guests at his GORGEOUS home in Llewelyn Park (NJ). I still recall the scent of his stately dining room, filled with beautiful, fresh flowers and my pretty, little, place card (also designed w/fresh flowers) which "proudly" sat upon his china...each name hand scribed in chocolate brown ink. :) I remember how they raved about this little, 5x7 card and said their guests would cherish them as a keepsake. Funny the things you remember from all the zillion billion jobs you design!!! ha ha
    Business is crazy this time of year...and I'm STILL intrigued by each and every client's requests. So fun to create "their vision". :)
    How are YOU, my friend?? After the horrendous winter we've had (especially your area) it is pure heaven to feel the glorious sun once again, isn't it?? It's beautiful today, 80 and sunshine...ahhhh...and happens to be my birthday! I feel the lounge chair calling me... hahahaha
    So glad you like my new website! I'm still a long way from being finished with the "design", but I'm starting to really like the simplicity of it. Wait until you see it in another few weeks (the comments will be open by then).
    Thank you for the wonderful visit! Every time I see your name it makes my day! :) :)
    Big hugs and lots of love to you, my friend!

  13. Irina,
    What a wonderful quote. Thank you for being one who makes us happy and who makes our souls blossom.

    Happy first day of June. It's getting hotter here every day.


  14. Indeed, indeed, indeed, my friend.
    Stopping by for a quick hello. You are highly loved AND missed in blogland. :)
    Hope your summer is off to a fabulous start!
    Do you miss Anita's summer party too? ;) Yes, I hope she reads this. teehee

  15. Hello dear Irina!

    How are you? I have had you on my mind lately and have wondered how you are and what you are up to?

    I hope that all is well my dear and that you are enjoying Summer with your daughter!



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