Saturday, March 31, 2012


  1. Hallo....thanks for this post!....beautiful phrase of Picasso....and beautiful pictures....
    <3<3<3<3 virginia

  2. WHOAH.

    OK, you are dubbed, THE QUEEN OF RESEARCH and PERFECT QUOTES!!!!!

    On the one hand, I could have stayed on and LEARNED how to deal with things WAY OVER my head. BUT rather, I am going to be like Picasso (what a man filled with quotes!) and LEARN MORE ABOUT WRITING and art so that I can do it BETTER!!!

    You are something else my dear friend.....special indeed.


  3. Love the Picaso quote! :) really like the image of the bird at the end too :)

  4. Picasso is oe of my heroes - such a creative spirit, and so much power in everything he did! Have a funtastic weekend!

  5. Good morning dear friend,

    I hope you are having a lovely weekend. Thank you for visiting me! You are always so sweet!

    I could not agree with you more a fabulous photo shoot in Paris would be glorious! What a fun trip.

    I love this quote and Picasso too!! There is a wonderful book called Picasso and Lump, if you ever see it take a look. It is about a photographer who brings his dachshund along to photograph Picasso. lump is his name and he becomes attached to Pucasso and eventually stays with him. Picasso even does some sketches and painting with Lump in them.

    Enjoy your weekend my dear! Elizabeth xoxoxo

  6. This is such a real profound statement that speaks to your soul. Sometimes we don't think deeply enough, to find who we truly are and want to be. Thank you for the prodding finger.
    Big hugs,

  7. Hello my dear,

    Yes to answer your question, I love Bethoven! Speaking of music, have you read the book, "Good things I wish you" by A. Manette Ansay?

    It is fabulous, if you have not read it it tells two present and the other the releationship between Schumann, his wife and Brahams. Highly recommend!

    Have a great night. xoxo Elizabeth

  8. YES! All our life, really. I think it's the essence of grace.
    I LOVE THIS, IRINA!!! My heart sang when I read it.
    I knew I had to visit your other blogs today. ;)

  9. Dear Irina
    Words to live by.. This is one of my favorite quotes by Picasso.
    Wishing you a beautiful day!
    Love and blessings dear friend

  10. Dear Irina,
    Thank you for your kind words about my poem in my post. It has a lot of meaning for me, and I think I am very right about what I see.

    I love this statement by Picasso. I feel like this is very much where I am: trying to do that which I cannot do. Pretty audacious that.
    Are we all getting together soon? I hope so.

  11. Oh!
    This is really striking a chord with me today. I've been feeling such a longing to create. I'm not even quite sure what? I just want to fly.


  12. Oh I love this...perfect for my day of making Easter to learn how. I found a Mennonite recipe as those are the ones I have had before...hope to put up photos. xoxoo Happy Easter dear one. ...may yours be blessed in everyway. xoxoxoxo

  13. Hello Irina:
    How very wise are these words, and what truth is contained within them. As with your chosen images, an inspiration to us all.



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